Work in Progress
The ranking is still being filled up with tournament data and might contain errors. Please contact us if you have any feedback!
Only results from tournaments, with the following requirements will be counted:
– Single Player Tournament only (No Team Tournaments or Tag-Team Tournaments)
– At least 1500 points armies
– At least 8 players
– Registration is open for everyone and information was public available (no invitationals or except for Saison Finals like Swiss Finals, where you qualify through a ranking)
Your best 5 results will be counted towards the ranking. For each tournament your points will be calculated depended on your placings and wins as well as the number of players competing and the amout of rounds played.
Some graphs and a handy calculator can be found here (ger) https://breakingheads.de/punkterechner/
Dominik Dietziker – WTC Swiss Team
Dominik Dietziker – WTC Swiss Team
Dominik.dietziker (at) hotmail.(dot) com
The Swiss 40k Ranking is created and presented by BreakingHeads https://breakingheads.de/swiss40kranking/